Friday, August 24, 2007

The Penguin Conspiracy

The Penguin Conspiracy: The Scarecrowe and Mrs. Peng. Warning: All material and information obtained in this story does not necessarily reflect the beliefs and inspirations of the Writer, but will be used against you. All Characters are fictional, and any resemblances are coincidental, maybe. No Snowpeople were harmed in the making of this story. But I could be lying.

"There are a few things we need to get straight. I am Mrs. Peng. And I am a Penguin. Yes, I said Penguin. You see, we Pengai, are not the cute, cuddly, loveable, tuxedo-clad little critters that you seem to think we are. We are, in fact, an intelligent race of Ascended Beings. But you didn't hear that from me."

"This is one of He is my silent observer, and reports to me all that he sees. His one little quirk, a phrase used a little too often in my opinion, is...A little birdie told me. But other than that, he is a very faithful follower, and his information is always on target."

"Most Sims have come to accept our presence here in their part of the Simnation. It took us a long time to be able to infiltrate. Mainly because Summer held sway in this corner of the simworld. But we began working long ago to bring winter here. And I will freely admit that it has been a very difficult task. As you can see, we have finally prevailed."

" Let me introduce you to our Arch Rivals. The Plantsims. This particular flock, or family as you Sims prefer to be called, Is the Greenman Family. She and her sporespawn, are of extreme interest to us, and we moniter them very carefully. You see, Rose Greenman, became a plantsim. And it wasn't until after she became one that it was discovered that she had an allergy, probably to plantspore. So, even tho' she had one spawn already,Young Daisy, everytime she came into contact with spores, she would have a violent sneezing fit. Which in turn, spawned more Plantsims. She eventually spawned nine total. And as if that wasn't bad enough, She and her mate.....uh...husband....Jason, produced a child together. So far he seems to be a normal Sim. But we'll be watching carefully. Here she is with Daisy and three others. Marygold, Pansy, and Thorn."

"Another sneezing fit, and here are Hawthorne, Rowan, Beechtree, and Blossom."

" And last but not least, Eldertree. Ironic name don't you think? Strangely enough, Jason was around everytime the sneezing fits would occur. And it turned out that she was actually allergic to his cologne. One problem solved."

"It doesn't take very long for a Plantsim to mature into adulthood, a matter of days only. That is why they are of such interest to us Pengai. That, and the fact that they are the major contributers to keeping everything sunshiny and hot. Pengai do NOT do well in HOT! This is almost all of the family. Jamal is the Baby, and he is about to grow up . Naturally we were very concerned."

"Officially, that many Plantsims together at one time, does not sit well with us. So we paid off the local Sims to report them, and the police came to break up the party. One small victory for Pengai!"

"Unfortunately, the Greenman family moved after that, and it took us awhile to locate them again. They had all split up and lived seperately. This couldn't be good. However, we have learned that when they are not all together in one area, other types of weather slowly made themselves known. One GIANT step for Simarctica!"

"Finally, we managed to get an agent into the Greenman family garden. Since there were only the three of them, and one a toddler at that, It would become harder for them to take care of their precious plants. And we ALL know how much they love their plants. They have even been known to talk to them. Can you imagine?"

"Mr. Scarecrowe, became even more invaluable to our cause, when he reported that Rose was teaching young Jamal all about, if you'll pardon the expression, his Roots. Yes I know, That was a horrible thing to say...but OH so true!"

"Now that winter has arrived, we Pengai can move around a lot easier, and spend more of our time working towards a never ending frozen wasteland, similar to our Beloved SimArctica. And for now it seems that the Greenman family has been temporarily stalled in their efforts to make everything Summery again. But rest assured...we will keep watching!"

"I decided it was time to move out and start enforcing the new way of life. I left a personal message for the Mayor. Simply put, it was this.... Every Sim paid one fish per day to the Pengai....or else....!!!!"

" Enough Said."

"As I visited house after house, I came to the realization, that none of these sims were taking me seriously! I mean, Come On! I may look cuddly, and cute, and spiffy in my tuxedo coloring, but please! I snuffed a Snowperson! Give me a break, already! I mean business here! This is NOT just a joke. We Pengai, are serious about ruling in a penguin tailored paradise!

"But the final insult that added to injury, was when Rose Greenman, herself, just patted my head, and coo'ed over and over about how cute I was! Didn't even offer a fish! And I thought they loved all of nature, not just plants! Boy was I wrong! All I can say now is....This Means War!"

'Thanks to one of the repairmen here in town, I found out where the older girls were living. And I immediately staked out their location. I needed to get one of my agents in there...and Quick!"

"Finally got him in......Look at them.....Sinister looking creatures aren't they?"

" The next day I even made a point of threatening them with dire consequences, if they didn't heed my warning.....but Daisy just walked past me as if I wasn't even there. How Humiliating!"

" And to top it all off, the other two built a second snowman as if to thumb their jolly green noses at me. What Nerve!"

" I was so angry at being brushed off like this, that I almost missed the brothers house."

"With frustration boiling my SimArctic blood.....I marched straight through their house, right past them. They didn't even notice! I wasn't sure whether to laugh at their gullibility, or cry with rage. But I did neither...I would be laughing later on This night!"

I marched into the enclosed garden, only to find that they had put one of my most trusted of agents in there already. Now what was I supposed to think of that? Were the Pengai being mocked...or were these particular Plantsims braindead? I guess that would make them vegetables, wouldn't it?"

" When I left there, I hid behind some trees and watched as a chain reaction of implosions ripped through the night......"


"But when the Girls came out to see what had happened, they just looked at each other......."

"And proceeded to play a game of Keep Away. Well, we'll just see what they have to say come morning!"

"And I turned just in time to watch as another Snowperson met his Unmaker. The sight of the top hat flying up and hanging suspended, framed by the night sky, was a soothing balm to my ruffled feathers..not that we really have feathers...Oh NeverMind!"

" I didn't stick around for that reaction, I was on a clear path now, and I knew what I must do. I returned to Rose Greenmans' home and waited. I would make them see how serious the Pengai were."

"Let's just say she never saw the frozen catfish that introduced itself....up close and personal. I figured she was a goner for sure...she looked worse than the fish did, That much I can tell you. I figured the Pengai would now be taken quite seriously."

"But when I walked past the house the next morning....there she was. Like nothing had even happened. Turned out that she had come running outside for sunlight and had fallen asleep. And when the sun rose....she was as good as new."

"And I came to realize....that nobody would ever take us seriously. I guess we are just what they see in us.....cute, cuddly, and adorable.Makes me sick it does...... Guess I'll go see if Santa has a place for me, after all, he did take in the elves."

Author's note:

Once again, A huge thanks to all the custom content creators. I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the humour slant to this piece and told from the view of a penguin which was a rather unique viewpoint.

Great stuff!

S@n said...


i already told you how much i like it:P Hilarious!!

i enjoyed reading more than first time!!

Im glad you posted it so quickly!!

chardonnay said...

Aislinn: Thank you!! I am glad you enjoyed this piece!!!! I had such a great time writing this one. As for writing it from the penguins could I not????

No one else was, and I love a good underdog.

Funny thing about the penguins in my game tho' that I have written their story....I can't get rid of's so hilarious.

I do have to admit they inspired this storyu showing bombs in their thought bubbles..and my devious mind took it from there...LOL!!!

Yes, Sandy I know how much you liked this one....and thanks for commenting here...makes me feel good. I wasn't sure how much people would understand my sense of humour. So keep reading...and spread the news...the Pengai are on the loose!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This really made me laugh!
I love evil little Miss Peng penguin, I would so help her take over the sim world, if I could that is.

chardonnay said...

Thanks Lizzy! I am so glad you liked it!!!

Feel free to help..they need all the help they can get......LOL!!!!!

Such a misfortunate bunch of misfits.

Someday I might actually make part 2. Depends on my pc.

S.B. said...

well, I never thought I'd have anything to say about a penguin, good or bad. But this is really funny! Intelligent and hysterical!

chardonnay said...

Thanks Beth....someone had to tell their story...and after searching for one...I guess it was up to me....LOL!!!!!

I was laughing so hard while writing this, I almost couldn't finish just struck me as so incongruous, that I just had to make it work....

I wrote all of this on the fly...ideas for things just kept popping into my head...I had to decide where and when to end it.....who knows...Maybe the Pengai are coming to a neighborhood near you......

I heard Santa kicked them out for causing so much mayhem!!!!!!

Got agents in there now trying to find the whole story....

thewynd said...

Okay this was even more funny the second time around! I loved this!

Is Pengai even a word???? OMG I could quote line after line in this story and tell you I was on the floor laughing...again. My kids think I'm nuts.

chardonnay said...

Well, if your kids think you're nuts...make them read it. Then either they'll understand...or you are nuts!!!!! LOL!!! I know mine thought I was nuts when I wrote it.

No, I don't think Pengai is an actual word. But it fit. It should be though. Like a plural type word. Moosen, boxen, get the picture......LOL!!!!!

As for quoting the lines...Quote away!!!!!!I set out to amuse people....have fun with this!!!!!

thewynd said...

I doubt i could come anywhere near your humor when you write. I don't think I am that funny. hehe

chardonnay said...

Gayle...I didn't thinkI was that funny either. Younever know til you try.....

scarlet_white said...

I remember this from TSR, it was very original how you took
the penguins and made them antagonists of the plantsims, you are talented in sillyness, I mean making something silly into a good story, and a bit of a poet too. Glad you made your blog Mel, sorry I took so long to come

chardonnay said...

Thanks Pablo!!!!

I like being talented in silliness!!!! LOL!!!!

Lorianne said...

I've just read this story. I have to admit that I was laughing out loud as I was reading it. Very well written humour - and an original idea as always. I never really liked nor hated penguins, but after this story, well, I just hope they never come anywhere near me - I hate winters - I love the hot, sunny, summer weather (and thankfully we get a LOT of that here in Malta). Winter makes me feel so depressed. Although maybe it wouldn't be so bad to see and touch snow for one time in my life...

chardonnay said...

Thanks Lorianne! I am so glad you enjoyed this story. I had so much fun writing it! Pengai are so funny that I couldn't resist. I decided to make them the nemesis of the Plantsims because One needs sunlight, and the other is adapted for Cold and snow. But either way, I had a blast!!!!!

Astral Faery said...

Very cute! Evil pengai on the loose. Poor thing, just wanted eternal winter. What's wrong with that? I hope Santa is able to take her in. At least it's cold where he lives. Your screenshots are so pretty, so crisp and clean.

chardonnay said...

Thank You!! I am glad you enjoyed this one...I had a lot of fun!!!

The last I heard...Miss Peng ran amok in Santa land....

Jane said...

I remember this one from TSR . I always thought how patient you must have been waiting for that penguin to turn up. It was even better second time around:)

chardonnay said...

Thank you Jane for vivisiting my poor attempt of a blog!!!

That made my day!!!

And actually, I just couldn't get rid of them. They just kept coming until I had to write their story. They still haven't stopped showing up. Even in the summer.

I am glad you enjoyed this the second time around!

Colliegirl said...

I recognize this story! I read it at TSR and I thought it was fabulous and hysterically funny! I could never resist a story about penguins... I love the way they waddle around like little people in suits! Miss Peng really had an act, too... LOL!

You are a really great storyteller, Melissa!

chardonnay said...

Thank you Tammy! Again...LOL!!!

As I read this comment I seem to remember you saying that about not being able to resist a story about Penguins. And now I know why you screen name seemed so familiar...LOL!!

I am glad you enjoy yourself, and thanks for the wonderful compliment. I try ...

Colliegirl said...

I had to read this story again! As I've said before a penguin story is very hard for me to resist! And this one was so very good! I loved the humor! :)

It reminds me of Burt in Mary Poppins when he tried to dance like a penguin with a whole group of them. That was so very funny!

:shock: Did I just reveal how old I am again?!!! LOL! :)

Oh! And now it makes me think of the penguins from Madagascar. Those guys are such a riot! Did you know they are in the process of making a sequel to that. Yeah, they're aiming to make that dreamtrip home to Africa. Now, why the penguins would want to go there, I have no idea! LOL! :)

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Hi! My name is Melissa. And I am a Domestic Dictator. I rule my household with determination and sheer grit. And if you believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Somewhere. And if you give me enough time, I'll figure out where. If I had to really describe myself, then I am at a loss for words. But I shall try. I would say I am a very creative person, with a sometimes big mouth, and a quick, and weird sense of humor. I like to write. I have written poetry, and stories. Some of these stories are based on the Sims2 Game.
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